2018 Nobel Prize Winners

Flower decorations by Florist Helén Magnusson at the 2016 Nobel Prize award ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall, 10 December 2016. © Nobel Media. Photo: Pi Frisk
49 Prizes in Economic Sciences have been awarded 1969-2017.
25 Prizes in Economic Sciences have been awarded to one Laureate only.
1 woman has been awarded the Prize in Economic Sciences so far, Elinor Ostrom, in 2009.
51 years was the age of the youngest Laureate in Economic Sciences ever, Kenneth J. Arrow, who was awarded in 1972.
90 years was Leonid Hurwicz when he was awarded the Prize – the oldest Laureate in Economic Sciences ever.
67 is the average age of the Laureates in Economic Sciences the year they were awarded the prize.

From top left: Arthur Ashkin, Donna Strickland, James P. Allison, Tasuku Honjo, George P. Smith, Gérard Mourou, Nadia Murad, Denis Mukwege, Frances H. Arnold, Sir Gregory P. Winter